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- 100 V_CreateCmdBuffer
- 101 V_IssueCmdBuffer
- 102 V_IssueCmdBufferAsync
- 103 V_QueryCmdBuffer
- 104 V_DestroyCmdBuffer
- 105 V_ResetCmdBuffer
- 106 V_SetCmdBufferCallBack
- 107 V_GetCmdBufferCallBack
- 108 V_AddToCmdList
- 109 V_AddToDMAList
- 110 V_EnumVeriteBoards
- 111 V_CreateVerite
- 115 V_DestroyVerite
- 117 V_AllocMemoryObject
- 118 V_FreeMemoryObject
- 119 V_AllocLockedMem
- 120 V_FreeLockedMem
- 121 V_LockPages
- 122 V_UnlockPages
- 123 V_Linebytes
- 124 V_Stride
- 125 V_GetUserPrivate
- 126 V_SetUserPrivate
- 127 V_RegisterErrorHandler
- 128 V_GetFunctionName
- 129 V_GetErrorText
- 130 V_GetLastError
- 133 V_GetErrorHandler
- 134 V_CreateBufferGroup
- 135 V_IsBufferLost
- 137 V_PointBufferGroup
- 145 V_BltDisplayBuffer
- 146 V_LockBuffer
- 147 V_UnlockBuffer
- 149 V_DestroyBufferGroup
- 150 V_SetDisplayMode
- 151 V_SetDisplayType
- 152 V_GetDisplayType
- 153 V_GetCmdBufferHandle
- 154 V_GetUseDMA
- 155 V_GetBufferLinebytes
- 156 V_GetBufferStride
- 157 V_GetBufferAddress
- 158 V_SwapBuffers
- 159 V_GetBufferDC
- 160 V_ReleaseBufferDC
- 161 V_RestoreBuffer
- 162 V_SetDisplayLinebytes
- 163 V_ReadBuffer
- 164 V_AddToCmdAndDMAList
- 165 V_GetAvailableVidMem
- 166 V_EnumDisplayModes
- 167 V_GetLargestBuffer
- 500 Operation was successful, no error
- 501 Wrong parameter passed to routine
- 502 Allocation failed
- 503 Command buffer in use
- 504 Command buffer available
- 505 Command buffer too small
- 506 Command buffer no DMA entries
- 508 V_LockPages failed
- 509 Cannot issue commands
- 510 Cannot swap windowed surfaces
- 511 Cannot load microcode
- 512 Cannot get board info
- 513 Cannot open the Verite driver
- 514 No error has occured
- 517 Physical pages not contiguous
- 518 Operation failed
- 519 DirectDrawCreate failed
- 520 DirectDraw2 not found
- 521 IDirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel failed
- 522 IDirectDraw::RestoreDisplayMode failed
- 523 IDirectDraw::SetDisplayMode failed
- 524 IDirectDrawSurface::CreateClipper failed
- 525 IDirectDrawSurface::CreateSurface failed
- 526 IDirectDrawSurface::SetClipper failed
- 530 IDirectDrawSurface::IsLost failed
- 531 IDirectDrawSurface::Restore failed
- 540 IDirectDrawSurface::Lock failed
- 547 IDirectDrawSurface::BitBlt failed
- 550 Bad pixel format used
- 551 Cannot issue VERITE_COMMAND ExtEscape
- 552 Invalid buffer specified for buffer group
- 553 IDirectDrawSurface::UnLock failed
- 554 IDirectDrawSurface::GetDC failed
- 555 IDirectDrawSurface::ReleaseDC failed
- 559 Operation cannot be performed on a subsurface
- 560 Cannot obtain a windows DC
- 561 Out of video memory
- 625 Function can be used in full screen mode only